Cervical Isometric Exercise Program

Dhealthwellness.com – Using Cervical Isometric Exercises may help improve your health, improve your posture and improve your ability to swallow. This is a great way to improve your quality of life.

Isometric Post Stretching to Increase Flexibility

During a cervical isometric exercise, post-isometric stretches can be a good way to increase flexibility. These stretches involve relaxing the muscle and holding it in the stretched position for a few breaths. Some people also add foam rolling before they work out, which can increase flexibility.

The best stretches have more than one group of muscles stretched. This is because the supporting muscles function as synergists for stretches. Some stretches also put pressure on the disks of the back, so be careful of what you choose. This is especially true when you are attempting to stretch a child’s back. Among the stretches to be considered is the triceps stretch, which targets muscles in the shoulders. This stretch is best performed while seated, but can also be done while standing. A leg stretch is another way to stretch several muscle groups at once. It involves extending your legs and reaching back, as well as straightening your back. It can also involve hyperextension of the knees.

Using a cervical isometric exercise program can correct muscle imbalances in the cervical region. These muscle imbalances may lead to forward head posture. This type of posture is characterized by tight musculature in the anterior cervical region and weak musculature in the posterior cervical region. It is a common abnormal posture among neck pain patients.

Cervical Spine Passive Movement in Healthy Working Age Women

A study conducted by Salo and colleagues assessed age-related changes in the cervical spine. They also established reference values for the passive range of motion of the cervical spine in healthy working-age women. They also compared the effects of isometric cervical stabilization (ICE) and Isometric Cervical Fitness (ICF) exercises on the cervical spine’s passive range of motion. The study results show that the sternocleidomastoid thickness and cervical spine passive range of motion was greater during ICF than ICE.

The present study investigated the concurrent therapeutic effects of ICE and ICF on the cervical spinal passive range of motion. The study included 18 participants. They were female and were aged 20 to 59 years. They participated in competitive sports and had neck and shoulder pain within the past six months. Performing cervical isometric exercises can increase swallowing function in older adults. In addition to increasing swallowing muscle strength, training can also increase swallowing muscle volume. Whether isometric exercises are the best way to increase tongue strength is not clear. However, studies have shown that tongue exercises can be effective in elderly patients.

One study investigated the effectiveness of a modified chin tuck against resistance exercise (CtC) on swallowing function in patients with dysphagia after head and neck cancer treatment. In the control group, patients received conventional dysphagia treatment. In the experimental group, patients performed CtC exercises using a CTAR device. In both groups, tongue strength was improved after four weeks of isometric training. Similarly, the maximal lingual isometric pressure was also increased in both groups. The results of this study support the need for further studies.

Benefits of Isometric Exercise Effective in Increasing Blood Circulation

The participants were randomly divided into two groups: a control group and an experimental group. The control group received conventional dysphagia treatment, while the experimental group performed CTAR/JOAR isometric exercises. Various studies have shown a positive impact of isometric exercises on cervical dysfunction. Isometric exercises are effective in improving blood circulation in the neck, increasing muscle strength, and improving coordination of muscle movements. They are also effective in improving the performance of the cervical extensors and flexors.

A study in a cohort of patients with neck pain reported that isometric training improved cervical spine dysfunction. They compared the effects of isometric exercises and velocity-specific exercises (VSE). They also evaluated the feasibility of VSE in cervical muscle functions. They concluded that VSE was safe and can be practiced safely.

The authors of the study used a single-blinded randomized controlled trial (RCT). Thirty healthy adults were randomly allocated to either an intervention or a control group. They completed a six-week trial. During the study, the participants performed a 10-minute workout on five days per week. It involved a combination of isotonic cervical strengthening activities, static cervical stretching, and increasing repetitions. The exercises were performed in a neutral sitting position. One minute of rest was provided between sets.


Tsang, Sharon MH, et al. “Comparison between velocity‐specific exercise and isometric exercise on neck muscle functions and performance: a randomised clinical trial.” BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 22.1 (2021): 1-16.

Chung, SinHo, and Yeon-Gyu Jeong. “Effects of the craniocervical flexion and isometric neck exercise compared in patients with chronic neck pain: A randomized controlled trial.” Physiotherapy theory and practice 34.12 (2018): 916-925.

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