Signs of Obesity in Children – One of the most significant problems facing children today is obesity. More children are overweight, and a lack of awareness about this problem is one of the primary causes. Obesity has become a ‘norm’ in society, according to the Institute of Child Health. According to the National Child Measurement Programme, one in five children in Year 6 are overweight, and 14 percent are obese. Thankfully, it is possible to prevent obesity in children by introducing them to physical activities from an early age.

Early Detecting Obesity Problems in Children

Obesity in children occurs when a child’s body demands more calories than it burns, and these extra calories are stored as fat. There are three stages of childhood obesity, beginning in late fetal development, during the rebound period of the child’s first five to six years of age, and at adolescence. The earlier the problem is detected, the easier it is to treat. However, if the problem is not detected early, it can become very difficult to control or even reverse.

One of the most common factors in preventing childhood obesity is poor nutrition and physical activity. Obesity in children is often caused by a combination of environmental factors and genetics. Parents’ unhealthy eating habits can influence their child’s appetite. Similarly, smoking during pregnancy can contribute to post-natal weight gain in children. Obesity can also result from emotional disorders and genetics. Some medicines can increase a child’s appetite.

Asthma is another common symptom of obesity. Obesity can also result in joint pain and high blood pressure. Additionally, obese children are at a higher risk of suffering from sleep disorders, such as obstructive sleep apnea. The risk of developing type 2 diabetes is also significantly higher among overweight children, and these issues can lead to severe heart problems and even stroke. Moreover, obesity can affect children’s mental health, with depression and anxiety increasing among overweight children.

The Best Way to Prevent Children from Getting Fat

In order to help your child lose weight and maintain healthy weight, you can encourage your child to participate in physical activities. Physical activity helps redistribute body fat into muscles. It is important to start small, but build up their physical activity over time. Setting an example for a healthy lifestyle is the best way to prevent a child from becoming obese. Once you see the early signs of obesity, it is never too late to take the necessary steps to help your child live a healthy lifestyle.

One of the most important signs of childhood obesity is poor eating habits. The same applies to parents. When parents buy too much junk food, children are more likely to be obese, as they will feel the need for unhealthy food. The child is more likely to choose junk food when they’re hungry, as well as choose unhealthy snacks. In addition, children who have obese parents are more likely to develop obesity in later life. When parents do not model healthy habits, children are more likely to follow their parents’ footsteps and end up overweight.

The most common sign of childhood obesity is excess body fat. If a child’s BMI for age is between the 85th and 95th percentile, then they’re probably overweight. If a child is overweight, this can lead to other serious problems including heart disease, liver disease, and orthopedic issues. This disease is a leading cause of childhood diabetes. So, it’s vital to recognize and address the signs of childhood obesity early.

Some of the Main Causes of Obesity in Children

Overfeeding is one of the main causes of childhood obesity, and can lead to a parent’s mistaken belief that a child is underweight. By overfeeding, parents mistakenly believe that they’re helping their child gain weight. A doctor can calculate a child’s BMI and compare it to standard sizes, and recommend the appropriate child care practices. The primary causes of childhood obesity are lifestyle issues and too much eating. Genetic factors may also play a role.

As obesity is a growing problem worldwide, children are particularly vulnerable. It can lead to type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol. Childhood growth is rapid and children are more vulnerable to the social and emotional effects of obesity. In addition, children who are overweight or obese are more likely to suffer from bullying, self-esteem issues, and despair. It is important to seek early treatment to prevent this epidemic from becoming a major issue. If the signs of childhood obesity are not treated, the consequences can be catastrophic.


Monasta, L., et al. “Defining overweight and obesity in pre‐school children: IOTF reference or WHO standard?.” Obesity Reviews 12.4 (2011): 295-300.

Leung, Alexander KC, and W. Lane M. Robson. “Childhood obesity.” Postgraduate medicine 87.4 (1990): 123-133.

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