Diabetes Skin Care Tips

Dhealhwellness.com – A diabetic’s skin is prone to developing blisters. These can appear anywhere, including hands, feet, forearms, and legs. These are similar to the blisters that develop after a severe burn, but are harmless and do not hurt. Large blisters on the feet are often referred to as diabetes spots. If you’ve noticed these, contact your healthcare provider immediately so that they can discuss the condition and make appropriate recommendations for treating it.

Diabetics should Avoid the Sun to Minimize the Risk of Infection

Cuts and scrapes can be troublesome, so make sure to check for sores or cracks daily. Medicated creams or ointments can help, but consult with your doctor first. Cuts should also be checked daily for possible infection. Diabetics should avoid the sun to minimize the risk of infections, and should avoid wearing tight, pinching shoes. It is also essential to wash hands with warm water before testing their glucose levels.

Fungal infections are another common problem among diabetics. These are caused by the growth of fungi and can appear as itchy, scaly, or blistering skin. If you have diabetes, you’re more susceptible to fungal infections, which can lead to other serious infections. If you notice any of these signs on your skin, visit your doctor or urgent care center. A good skincare routine is a vital part of managing diabetes and preventing diabetes skin issues.

Another type of skin condition that has to be treated is called acanthosis nigricans. This skin condition usually affects overweight people, and treatment involves losing weight to reduce the appearance of the rash. Treatment also involves using moisturizers or lotions on the affected areas. Diabetes-related skin problems can be embarrassing and dangerous, but the good news is that most of them are preventable. The best way to treat diabetes skin Diabetes Skin Care Tips to treat it as quickly as possible.

Dark Spots on the Skin is an Early Sign of Diabetes

Although there is no single clinical marker that can diagnose diabetes, certain skin conditions are considered an early indicator of the disease. Acanthosis nigricans, or dark patches of skin, are also an early sign of diabetes. Both of these conditions are associated with a poor control of blood sugars and obesity. Ultimately, diabetes skin conditions can cause other complications, including infection. If you have one or more of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Other skin issues that can be caused by diabetes include necrobiosis lipoidica, which is characterized by raised, hard bumps on the skin. They appear as bluish-purple patches of skin and are painful. Diabetic skin can also develop ulcers and become inflamed. Treatment for necrobiosis nigricans is aimed at improving blood glucose levels. The condition can lead to permanent damage if untreated.

In addition to dry skin, itching is another common symptom of diabetes. Dryness and poor circulation in the feet and lower legs can lead to skin that is itchy. To alleviate this problem, limit your bathing time, wash your skin thoroughly, and apply a moisturizer afterwards. Because diabetics tend to have dry skin, limiting baths is important. However, if you have to take a bath, use a mild soap and apply moisturizer afterward.

Bacterial Skin Infections Often Occur in Diabetics

Bacterial skin infections are common in people with diabetes. These infections may include styes, boils, and carbuncles. They are painful and can affect every part of the body. Once you’ve discovered a bacterial infection, your healthcare provider can treat it effectively. However, the good news is that most of them are treatable if they’re caught in the early stages. If you’re concerned that your skin is infected with a bacteria, your healthcare provider may prescribe antibiotics.

Because diabetics have high blood glucose levels, their skin becomes more prone to developing skin problems, including rashes. The best way to treat skin problems associated with diabetes is to manage blood sugar levels properly. Once you have a stable blood sugar level, it’s possible to prevent most diabetes skin issues. But to keep your skin healthy, you should also pay attention to any changes in your medication. If you experience a rash or itch on your skin, contact your healthcare provider immediately to discuss the cause.

Diabetic dermopathy is another common problem in people with diabetes. These patches are light-brown, slightly indented, and scaly. They are not painful or itch and are usually located on the legs. Symptoms of diabetic dermopathy may include retinopathy, neuropathy, or eruptive xanthomatosis. Diabetics should see their physician as soon as possible if these symptoms persist.


Messer, L. H., Berget, C., Beatson, C., Polsky, S., & Forlenza, G. P. (2018). Preserving skin integrity with chronic device use in diabetes. Diabetes technology & therapeutics20(S2), S2-54.

American Diabetes Association. “Preventive foot care in diabetes.” Diabetes Care 27.suppl_1 (2004): s63-s64.

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