How Capsule Endoscopic Procedures Work – The Capsule Endoscopy Procedure is a diagnostic tool used to examine the small intestine, which is difficult to reach through traditional endoscopy procedures. The capsule itself is about the size of a large vitamin tablet, and it contains a transmitter, light, and at least one camera. As it moves through the digestive tract, it takes pictures of its surroundings. The healthcare provider then examines the images to look for any abnormalities.

Capsule Endoscopy Procedure will Remove the Capsule

Although the capsule endoscopy procedure is generally considered safe, there are some risks involved. For instance, the capsule may become stuck inside the gastrointestinal tract. This can cause abdominal pain, bloating, and even vomiting. This can lead to more serious complications, such as bowel surgery. However, in most cases, the capsule endoscopy procedure will remove the capsule and avoid gastrointestinal complications. However, there are risks associated with this procedure, and you should only undergo this procedure if you are aware of any of the risks.

After the capsule endoscopy procedure, you will be asked to fast for 2 hours. You will be required to wear loose-fitting clothing and to wear a sensor belt. The capsule will be placed into your stomach and connected to a recording device that will be worn around your waist. The recording device will record the video and be viewed by your doctor. If you are planning to get an MRI, don’t schedule it right after the procedure.

Although the Capsule Endoscopy Procedure can help you see the middle of your gastrointestinal tract, it cannot cleanse an inadequately prepared colon. For this reason, it is more expensive than the traditional colonoscopy procedure. In addition, the procedure takes longer to complete than a conventional colonoscopy. It is also more expensive than the traditional endoscopic examination. This is why it is still necessary for you to undergo a traditional colonoscopy before undergoing the capsule endoscopy procedure.

Detailed Capsule Performance

Since the first capsule was developed, capsules have evolved significantly. Today, they include a 156-170 degree field of view, a minimum size of detection of 0.07 mm, and a depth of view of 20-30 mm. Despite the small size of the capsule, these capsules are able to capture detailed images, and their data is transmitted via an ultra-high frequency band radio telemetry or a wireless connection with a computer workstation.

The DBE may help you avoid unnecessary surgery by assessing the cause of the capsule’s retention. A patient with suspected toxicity should always be assessed before having the Capsule Endoscopy procedure performed. The physician should determine the cause of the capsule’s retention if there is any. If the patient’s symptoms of toxicity are present, the surgeon may recommend surgery. If this approach does not work, further testing is required before a final decision is made.

The capsule endoscopy procedure may be helpful in detecting obscure bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, in two published studies comparing the Capsule Endoscopy to push enteroscopy, the capsule endoscopy resulted in greater diagnostic yield for the patients. Furthermore, it was noted that the Capsule Endoscopy was less likely to miss lesions than PE.

Procedure by Performing a Colon Cleanse

Although WCE has been shown to be safer than WCE, it is still not without risks. In a recent study, a string was attached to the capsule during preparation. The string enabled the operator to manually control the capsule during the procedure. However, the patient should be prepared for the procedure by performing a bowel cleanse. A brief transit time of less than a half hour would result in a fully successful outcome.

In one study, the Capsule Endoscopy Procedure had a high sensitivity rate and positive predictive value. In 45 participants, 34/45 had polyps of any size detected by the Capsule Endoscopy while only 36/45 had conventional colonoscopy. The NPV was 88%, while PPV was 40%. In three cases, the Capsule Endoscopy Procedure failed to identify a significant polyp, while in one case, the Capsule Endoscopist failed to locate a colonoscopy site. In addition, one patient had a significant adverse event due to capsule retention.


Ciuti, Gastone, Arianna Menciassi, and Paolo Dario. “Capsule endoscopy: from current achievements to open challenges.” IEEE reviews in biomedical engineering 4 (2011): 59-72.

Verschuur, Els ML, Ernst J. Kuipers, and Peter D. Siersema. “Nurses working in GI and endoscopic practice: a review.” Gastrointestinal endoscopy 65.3 (2007): 469-479.

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