Peripheral Neuropathy Best Treatment – If you have peripheral neuropathy, you are probably wondering what the best treatment is. The good news is that there are many options. Dr. Tabby will customize a treatment plan based on your medical history, your lifestyle, and other factors. He will encourage nutritional supplements and exercise to help your body function at its optimal level. He will also recommend corrective measures and education to help you manage your condition. A few things to keep in mind when choosing a treatment plan are:

Tips for Determining the Best Treatment

The first step in determining which treatment is best is to identify the underlying cause of your condition. Peripheral neuropathy is caused by damage to your peripheral nerves. Damage to these nerves makes it difficult for your muscles to send signals to the brain. You may experience muscle weakness, causing you to trip over your toes, or have trouble buttoning your shirt. Muscle wasting and cramps are common symptoms of peripheral neuropathy. If you suffer from one, you may need to seek treatment.

If you have nerve damage, your doctor may prescribe medications to help manage the symptoms. One common medication is tramadol, which can be addictive if taken for too long. A doctor may recommend it only when pain is severe. Tramadol may help you manage some of the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, including muscle weakness, splints for weak ankles, and even walking aids. This treatment isn’t an all-natural cure, but it can help you get back to doing things you enjoy.

Your doctor will likely recommend a comprehensive physical examination. Depending on the symptoms, blood tests may reveal underlying issues that are affecting the nerves. A thorough medical history can reveal if you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency, or if your immune system is functioning abnormally. Other diagnostic tests may reveal if you have HIV/AIDS, vasculitis, or Lyme disease. Imaging tests may also be necessary to determine the extent of nerve damage and to determine the best treatment. Although peripheral neuropathy cannot be cured, treatment can help you to live a more comfortable and fulfilling life.

Symptoms of Peripheral Neuropathy Varies

The symptoms of peripheral neuropathy vary according to the type of nerve damage. They can be a burning sensation in the hands and feet, extreme sensitivity, or muscle weakness. You may also experience muscle weakness, numbness, or even paralysis in some cases. These symptoms are very debilitating and may prevent you from doing your daily tasks. In some cases, the symptoms can lead to amputation. The best treatment for peripheral neuropathy is the right one for your specific situation.

The most effective treatment for peripheral neuropathy is often based on a combination of different methods. One of the most effective treatments is acupuncture. Besides the right medication, acupuncture and massage are also great treatments for peripheral neuropathy. In addition, your doctor can also prescribe a therapy that involves vitamin B12 supplementation. The best way to treat peripheral neuropathy is to address the underlying cause and treat the resulting symptoms.

If your doctor suspects a metabolic disorder, he will do blood tests and analyze your body fluids. These tests may identify hidden infections, vitamin deficiencies, or autoimmune conditions. Blood tests may also reveal any underlying medical conditions. An electromyography (EMG) test may be used to detect damage to your nerves. Nerve biopsy may also be ordered. If no treatment options are found, your doctor will recommend another treatment for you.

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs That Can Reduce Pain and Stiffness

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help reduce inflammation, pain, and stiffness. NSAIDs reduce the production of prostaglandin, the chemical in your body that sends pain messages to your brain. NSAIDs are a great way to combat the symptoms of peripheral neuropathy without the use of invasive surgery or expensive prescriptions. Some TENS units are even small and portable. Using one can be beneficial when pain medication is not an option.

Several procedures can help diagnose peripheral neuropathy. An electromyogram can test the speed of electrical signals through your nerves. A thin needle is inserted into a muscle and connected to an oscilloscope. The patient is asked to contract a muscle while the oscilloscope records the response. If the electrical activity is abnormal, this is a sign of peripheral neuropathy. Treatment for peripheral neuropathy depends on the underlying cause of the condition, and on the symptoms.

If you are suffering from symptoms of peripheral neuropathy, you need to take action immediately. You must find a treatment for the condition, as the symptoms can progress very quickly without proper treatment. For some people, it is possible to reverse the damage caused by the disease. If you don’t, surgery will be the only option. The most effective treatment for peripheral neuropathy is a combination of medication and physical therapy. However, if the treatment is not successful, the symptoms will likely recur.


Martyn, C. N., and RA1074084 Hughes. “Epidemiology of peripheral neuropathy.” Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry 62.4 (1997): 310.

Boulton, Andrew JM. “Management of diabetic peripheral neuropathy.” Clinical diabetes 23.1 (2005): 9-15.

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