Food for Beautiful and Healthy Skin – What do you eat for beautiful skin? Your diet plays a huge role in your overall health, but it also has a correlation to the state of your skin. Many skin disorders can be caused by poor diet, and your skin is no exception. Foods rich in antioxidants and vitamins are also important to maintain youthful and vibrant skin. Fortunately, many popular foods for beautiful skin are available in the supermarket today. Read on to discover which ones can help you get healthy, radiant skin.

Keeping the Body Free from Potentially Harmful Free Radicals

To keep your skin looking beautiful, try including vitamin E and C in your diet. Vitamin E helps repair scarred cells and protects the skin from the sun. One study even found that people who consumed vitamin E had lower skin damage. As an antioxidant, vitamin E works to keep the body free of potentially harmful free radicals. Fortunately, almonds are one of the best sources of dairy-free calcium. For a dose of vitamin C, try Brussels sprouts or broccoli.

Another study found that eating a diet rich in vegetables and fruits can provide a radiant, healthy glow. People who eat a diet rich in red and orange vegetables are most likely to develop a sun-kissed complexion. Red and orange vegetables contain disease-fighting compounds called carotenoids. Baked sweet potatoes contain 200% of the daily recommended amount of carotenoids. Moreover, cooking extracts more carotenoids, so you can add a scoop to your smoothie for even more vitamin C.

Sesame seeds are a collagen-producing powerhouse. They are loaded with zinc and copper. These two substances help to maintain the barrier of the skin, fight itch and increase skin elasticity. They also help to control weight. Ancient Romans used to consider oats disgusting, but they now understand the benefits of these seeds! It’s worth adding these foods to your diet. Your skin will thank you.

Citrus Fruits Can Help Maintain Skin Beauty

Citrus fruits are full of vitamins and minerals that help maintain beautiful skin. They help boost collagen production and maintain skin elasticity. Yogurt contains probiotics, which helps you cultivate good gut bacteria. Gut bacteria may be a contributing factor to aging. For optimal skin, make sure you eat plenty of vegetables and fruits and drink plenty of water. And don’t forget to rest, as good skin starts in the kitchen.

Aside from fruit, eating whole grains will also improve your skin’s health. Whole grains are high in fiber and can keep your skin moisturized. They also contain antioxidants and help keep your skin hydrated. So, the steps to beautiful skin are not limited to eating more fruits and vegetables. By eating more vegetables and fruits, you’ll notice a significant difference in your overall health and skin. If you follow these tips, you’ll soon notice that you’ll have beautiful skin in no time.

Leafy greens are an important part of your diet for beautiful skin. They contain a wealth of vitamins and antioxidants that can fight free radicals and restore skin elasticity. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, improve cholesterol levels and fight inflammation. They can also preserve collagen, keeping the skin firm and supple. Ground flaxseed is a great addition to smoothies and oatmeal. And it doesn’t matter if it’s raw or not: both are good sources of omega-3 fats.

Fish Can Hydrate Skin and Reduce Inflammation

Fish is another great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Fish contains a variety of nutrients including zinc, which hydrates the skin and reduces inflammation. Salmon also has high levels of vitamin D, which reduces the risk of skin cancer. And, it’s packed with antioxidants that keep your skin looking young and radiant. The best part is that you can find avocados in many other dishes. You can even use them in your own recipes for great, delicious, healthy skin.

You can find plenty of vitamin A in dairy products, which your skin needs. Low-fat yogurt is packed with vitamin A, and it also contains the beneficial acidophilus. Both of these components help keep your digestive system in check, which is key for healthy skin. If you’re prone to acne, you may want to avoid dairy products altogether. But, in general, these foods are packed with vitamins and minerals, and can even help with acne breakouts.


Angelova‐Fischer, Irena, et al. “Barrier function and natural moisturizing factor levels after cumulative exposure to a fruit‐derived organic acid and a detergent: different outcomes in atopic and healthy skin and relevance for occupational contact dermatitis in the food industry.” Contact Dermatitis 73.6 (2015): 358-363.

Chapman, Gwen, and Heather Maclean. ““Junk food” and “healthy food”: meanings of food in adolescent women’s culture.” Journal of nutrition education 25.3 (1993): 108-113.

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